Created by Andrew 8 months ago

In 2016 we had our next family holiday. This was one of the years that Ian and his partner James could come back easily because they were both studying or could get time off from work. We chose Paris and France for the holiday, because Ian's partner James lived and worked there while still gaining experience for his teaching career and wanted to show us what it was like where he lived. 

The build up to the trip we all were getting excited to go away again, especially as a family, because it had been such a long time since we went away together. Plus, this trip included James which added to the excitement and fun. Plus, it was at new year so we'd just had the pleasure of Christmas. During the morning we left, it began with an early start. It was frosty and very very cold, but that did not freeze our enthusiasm and excitement. The extra addition of the frost helped to add to the magic and fun of the holiday.

We stayed at two properties on our trip, a family home and an apartment. The first property was in a lovely family home. This one was just around the corner from an amazing and very friendly restaurant. Just walking through the door, we were greeted with such a warm welcome and smiles. All of the tables were full all evening. The noise of people eating, drinking and laughing filled the room with excitement and fun. The food was amazing! Lots of laughs! Festive family fun! The holiday has given us wonderful memories of a lovely family trip to remember :)
